Tree of Life

Tree of life

The Tree of Life is an ancient mystical symbol appearing in various cultures from the Mayans to the Celts, Buddhism to Nordic mythology.

While these cultural legends centred around the sacred Tree of Life may differ in their detail, their stories symbolise similar overarching concepts linked to religion, philosophy and spirituality.

Tree of life

The Tree of Life symbol is commonly depicted as a large tree with roots that spread inward to the ground, and branches that spread outward to the sky. This represents the interconnected nature of all things in the universe; an eternal bonding of the physical realm we are rooted in, and the spiritual realm we are reaching for. The Tree of Life serves as a reminder of our universal connection to the Mother Earth, and our dependence on her to grow and flourish.

We often use the term ‘family tree’ in relation to our ancestry. Through its intricate layout of branches, the Tree of Life symbol represents a connection to family, these shared roots linking us to our past and future generations. The life of a tree can be seen to symbolise the growth of family – a tree sprouts from a seed and as it grows and branches out, it gives new fruit and life to the next generation.

See below gallery

A trio of ‘Tree of life’ on slate